Thursday, August 26, 2010

Music Lover

My little man has been a music lover since he was in my womb. We would play music in the car and he would start to move all around in my stomach. Since he was just a few months old everytime a song came on he would start grooving. He has a play microphone at home and at Grandma and Grandpa's. He always sings in it and puts on a show. The kid loves music. Scott recently got out his guitar and played for him. He stands on the guitar case and dances and claps. He love the "tar". Last night we went to our last Summer gathering at church and afterwards Scott had to do sound and so as the worship team practiced Shane was on stage and he ran in the back room and after only one second came running out to join our worship leader and Kim (pastor's wife) with mic in hand. He danced around as though he was channeling a gospel cute! It is fun to see his interests develop at such a young age.

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