Tuesday, April 14, 2009


According to my ultrasounds..the 21st is the most common due date they have all stated. I no longer need to do a C-Section. The baby wasn't as big as they thought..in fact the last time I was in the hospital they said he was 1# smaller than the ultrasound done prior. It is so hard to tell who knows what is going on! Every week there is different news. I go tomorrow to Dr.Brar-he is a specialist who checks my blood pressure and monitors my contractions, if any, and also the babies heart beat. Finally, they do a quick ultrasound. Last week was my first one. It was really weird. They have about five recliners in a room and you go in there recline back and a nurse comes and hooks you up to the monitors and you lay back for about 10-15 minutes. Everything looked well and so I just have to continue to go now twice a week until the baby gets here.

Dr.M still was talking about inducing me on the 20th, instead of the C-Section. Since he isn't as big and no longer breached..there really is no reason for the C-Section, but I think he still wants me to be induced because of my high blood pressure. I think Dr. M is finally realizing that I have White Coat Syndrome. It is fine when I am at home but as soon as I walk into the Dr. office I can feel it going up. I hate the doctor's office and hospital! I can't wait to be in the hospital because I am delivering my son and not because of my high blood pressure...I have been there three times now because of it.

The nursery is all put together. I have a crib, changing table, dresser and glider in there. All the decor is up and all we need to do is install a ceiling light that a friend just gave us. I washed all the clothes and blankets. I think I am all ready! Physically more than mentally:) We still have not decided on a name and want to wait until we see him. So, we could have a little Wyatt, Shane or Jack. Or we could choose a different name entirely!

I have had a few small contractions. Easter morning at about 2am I felt my first ones. They were dull and only went on every 7 minutes for about an hour. Scott asked me if I was ok and I said that I was just having some contractions. He said, "Excuse Me"!!! It really made him realize that he was coming soon and that we need to be ready.

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