Monday, April 15, 2013

Happy 4th Bday!!!

Dear Bubba,
I can't believe you are four today! I have a feeling I will still be saying that even when you are 30...40 and so on. Each year you bring daddy and I so much joy. We get such a kick out of seeing the world through your eyes. The love you have for others is such a sweet blessing. I want to be more like you in that way and am glad you are enjoying each and everyday.

I love that you ask what each day will entail. You are a little man on the move...always wanting to be doing something and being with others (daddy's mini me for sure).

Thank you for being our helper. You have such a servants heart. Thank you for bringing your plate to the kitchen when you are done and always rinsing your toothbrush off. Those little things add up to a lot for mama! :)

I have to say we are the luckiest parents in the world. You are such a good boy...who follows the rules...makes us laugh...and always wants to please us. You are a true SWEETHEART. Can't wait to see how much you grow this next year..although don't grow too are almost too heavy to carry!!! Love you Bubba!!!!


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