When you find out you are pregnant, the advice comes rolling in. I for one welcomed it. I had no idea what to expect...I am not a reader...so whatever anyone told me I soaked it up. There were two comments that were most commonly shared with me.....
1. "Sleep when they sleep!"
This rarely happened. As a new mom finding a routine that works is hard. My son is three and I am just now getting a routine going. When my son was napping, I did want to pass out(pretty much at any given point throughout the day I wanted to pass out), but I always seemed to think that doing laundry, cleaning and doing other duties were more important. My house was a mess..but I learned that it was ok. That pile of laundry could wait....the dishes in the sink could wait....the grocery store could wait. What couldn't wait was my little one. He was growing up so quickly. I didn't want to miss a thing. Which brings me to my second bit of advice that I heard often...
2."They grow up so fast! You will blink and he will be graduating. Enjoy every minute."
I could see the longing in each mother's eyes when she told me this. I could see her envisioning her own grown child little again. It was precious. I have to say...they were right. My son is now 3! He carries on conversations with me all day. He loves to tell stories. I love to see his wheels turning as he comes up with an adventurous story about dragons and monsters. Everyday, he stops and asks me, "sooooo...how was your day?" MELTS MY HEART. He has such a funny sense of humor. I see a lot of qualities I love about his father in him. It is so great to see. One of the greatest joys in my marriage was to share our love for our son together. To tell each other things he did or said each day. To see him growing into a great little dude:). I love this quote from onemoresoul.com"Children are the natural extension of the love of spouses-the visible sign of the fruitfulness of self-emptying love-and a means of ever deepening joy in marriage."
With Mother's Day approaching it is nice to reflect on all the blessings God has given to us. I am thankful for a healthy son, a loving and sweet boy, a son who tells me he loves me everyday...it is truly the best when they learn to talk...but when they understand the meaning and tell you they love you...ohhhhh myyyy...the BEST. It is also a great day to relax:). A little rejuvenating is just what a mama needs. Happy Mother's Day!