I am not going to lie. The first three month of pregancy are horrible. It isn't morning sickness..it is all day sickness. Whoa mama..I am not sure if I want to do this again..hopefully I am having twinsbecause this is it! Those were some of the thoughts running through my head as I stared at the toliet bowl each morning.
It was the same thing wake up, sign in for work, run to the bathroom. I didn't through up too much during the day, but I continually felt nauseous all day long. I almost wished I would throw up then maybe I would feel better. I couldn't deal with it any longer so at my Dr. appoinment I said.."Ok doc there is got to be something for this horrible nausea. Guess what there was. The "magic pill". It doesn't harm the baby..it dissolves on your tongue and instantly the sickness is gone. Oh how I love you, magic pill!!!!
So, the sickness began to become bareable, but I still had to take my daily naps around 1-2 everyday. Cooking, cleaning and other hosehold chores got put to the side. I began to eat everything in sight. It was never enough. I didn't have cravings...I just wanted a lot of whatever I was eating. One night I really wanted pizza, but we were meeing some friends and had to get something fast. Ohhhhhh...I wanted that pizza so bad. Poor Scott, he listed ahandful of places to eat and nothing sounded good. Finally, we stopped at a BBQ place as I stared at the menu nothing looked good in fact it was making me sick. I told Scott to order and I would drive thru somewhere else. So, there was an Arby's and we porceeded to pull through...a man came on to ask us for our order and again nothing sounded good..what was I thinking. I hadn't been to Arby's in years. Scott said nevermind I have a pregnant woman in the car, this is our second stop. The man laughed and said he totally understood. I still really wanted pizza. I actually could have ordered it in the beginning and had that pizza by now. I think I ended up at good ol' Del Taco. A combo burrito always sounds good to me!
As, I began to get closer to my second trimester. I began to think I could do this pregnancy thing again. It was so surreal to me still. Some days I would think, "Am I really pregnant"? During the second trimester is when I began to see changes and start to feel things that cemented the fact that I was indeed preggos:)